
India's Minister of The New New Super Heavy Funk

I've always thought of James Brown as a one-of-a-kind type of dude. Even though he's lived in BeechIsland, SC (near Augusta, GA) for many years, I never saw him perform until I went to a music festival in downton Little Rock. I usually don't like watching somebody sing and play music, but James Brown really didn't do either of those. I don't really know what it was that he did, but it was fun, and I had a blast.

It seems that India has their own James Brown of a sort. Look here, courtesy of youtube. This guy is nuts.

If you have dial-up, this might take a little while. After the first 20seconds, you'll get the picture.


posted by Josh M on 8:30 PM


Philip said...

I've got to get me a Godfather of Soul hairdo.
