
Too good to be true

Don't believe most of what you hear, half of what you read, and some of what you see.

I almost never forward emails, and I never forward forwarded emails because some things just sound a little too good to be true.

Much like the "Support our Praying President" emails that I received before he was exposed as a Christian fraud, the deer fish email that I received and published on my blog was a partial fake. Never trust a President's PR photographers, and never, never trust an email that says "fwd" on it. I'd like to apologize to anyone who may have lost bet money or the respect of his friends for believing anything that I published.

The deer wasn't caught in Charleston. She was in the Chesapeake Bay.

Oh, and I think I'm voting libertarian.


posted by Josh M on 5:16 PM


Philip said...

Ahhh... now that makes a little more sense. Paul and I were wondering how in the world the ocean was SO calm a mile and a half out at sea. Plus, you could see the pylons (don't know the right term) in the background.

Maybe the deer just thought he was a horse. Isn't there a horse swim around those parts?

Josh M said...

I figured it out because I saw somebody found my site searching for "deerfish." Random. So I did the same search and found out that I'm a fraud.

I wouldn't know anything about swimming horses. I suppose they're pretty good at swimming.

In other news, some poor sap reached my blog the other day searching for "how to impress my new bride." heh

Paulo J said...

you know, my grandpa lives on a yacht in the chesapeake. i wonder if he's seen any unusual mammals swimming about.
